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Bower Farm (est. 2013) is a Non-Certified Organic Farm located in the outskirts of Ottawa, Ontario in North Gower. The focus of the farm is to provide high quality, nutrient dense produce to our customers. Although we are non-certified, our organic methods adhere to, and surpass all expectations required for certification. We don’t feel the need to jump through hoops to gain certification, but rather, would encourage you to visit the farm and witness our practices first hand if there are any doubts. You will witness an entire production system, in tune with nature and its processes, without the need for even organic approved chemicals and pesticides.
Our mission is to provide our community with the opportunity to vote with their dollar. Every dollar, invested in our farm by our customers, is a vote. A vote that our customers would rather spend their hard earned money on sustainable, organic agriculture that has a direct impact on their community, than support an industrialized system with negative impacts on not only our environment and ecosystems, but ultimately the health and well being of the consumer.
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